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about glasbo

Videographer. Editor. Producer. 

I'm Mark Glasbey, a video producer on a perpetual journey to capture places, experiences, and life through my lens. With an insatiable curiosity and a love for exploration, I have honed my skill set to transform my experiences, ideas and visuals into compelling stories.


Why glasbo media's video marketing is so important:


The days of print media are but a distant speck on the horizon. And the purpose of traveling sales reps is irrelevant in most cases. Today, with compelling video marketing, your business and messaging can reach thousands of potential customers without leaving the office or studio or

paying a salesperson commission.


What makes video marketing SO valuable? It has the ability to build personal and emotional connections with customers and prospects. It has the ability to show potential customers that there are real, hardworking people behind the product or service and it can create an emotional connection with people the way a successful sales rep did in years past. Video marketing in today's world is building the same bridges that sales reps used to, but for a fraction of the cost. 



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